In The Rift, a young boy named Tom moves on from the technological world he's known (our Earth today) to its magic-only equivalent called Thera. A series of wars rages there, with mages fighting mages and other creatures vying for power as well. Tom's original goal was to find his sister, who had crossed to Thera earlier. To find her, he agrees to help end the wars by learning to control the magic that is his alone.
Properly crafting the background and rules of a magical world is a time-taking process but one that brings rewards when you figure out or stumble upon something that makes sense, or fits so perfectly, that you know it is right. I've drawn from the worlds established by other writers before me and yet have created something all my own -- or more truly, something that belongs only to Tom and the other characters in this novel.
I've also written a couple of new short stories that will be published in an anthology due out in October. TheThe stories were to have a "global" theme, which didn't give me much to work with. For the first story, I settled on an idea I'd thought about for a long time: the tale of my father's German ancestors' journey from Hamburg to Buffalo, NY. Written as a series of letters from my great-grandmother to her sister, who remained behind, it is something entirely different from anything I've done before. The other story chronicles, through recipes and cooking, what it was like being the fourth-generation female living in a French-Canadian household where everyone else spoke French. I'll share these stories after they're published.
My web site has also moved on to a new provider, and it's been revised to be simpler and easier to manage. Take a look:, now hosted by (Morgan's new work abode).
Am I a gypsy, moving around so much? Perhaps. Each time I've moved, I said, "This is the last time. This house is it." Yet I'm looking forward to the new start -- to moving on -- and to find some new friends in a new community. I've already found a whole new world in my writing, and I have a feeling the "moving on" process will continue, one way or the other. For those of you who have scratched out my address too many times already, add this one in pencil. I don't think I'll be moving on again, but then . . .