The story begins with Bruce (now a handsome butterfly) and his mother, Arlene, visiting Agatha before the harvest season. Suddenly a dragonfly arrives and tells Agatha that Cecil, the first master chef and her mentor, is dead.
Agatha decides to pay her respects and Bruce travels with her. Along the way, they pick up Milton and continue to the marsh where Cecil lived.
When Agatha examines the body, she realizes Cecil didn't die of natural causes. She decides to begin an investigation to find out who killed him and why.
Of course, a killer who discovers you're on his (or her) trail won't think kindly of you snooping and asking questions. Things might even get dangerous.
So when Agatha must return home to teach her students, Bruce and Milton enlist the help of Carly (whose stinger might help protect them) and Angie, whose eager mind may help deduce information from the clues. Of course, it's never that easy, and soon they find themselves caught up in much more than they bargained for.
After that, Ann and I will be at Westlake Village for most of the day at their Fall Festival on October 25th. Come on over and take a look.
There will be more events in November, but I'll save those for another post.
So sharpen your pencils, pull out your sleuthing notebooks, get a copy of Bruce and the Murder in the Marsh, and see if you can figure out who killed Cecil along with your favorite characters.